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Episode 53: D&D and THE SECRET FIRE $0.99
Publisher: Idle Red Hands
by Theodric t. O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/23/2012 14:03:48

Whoa! Harsh episode! Is this why these Idle Hands are Red, with the blood of those who disappoint them? I felt like this was less a critical review and more a take-down. I was also disappointed that they didn't move on from the retro-clone that they were so negative about, and treat another one that they felt offered a positive contrast to it. As a first-time listener, I'm not going to judge the podcast on this one episode, however. I will definitely give the show another chance, since these guys seem to have potential.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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Episode 53: D&D and THE SECRET FIRE
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